Moving on

Today was my last full day in Bweyale. Really weird to think about, since it’s been my home for four weeks now. Tomorrow morning around 8, the Bay Life team, the Douds, Donna, and I will all be traveling to the village in Bobi where all the primary school kids are!

I’m super excited to see those kids, especially a couple of them who I befriended last summer! But also, I’m very sad to leave the home I have here. It’s not goodbye forever, since I’ll be staying here one more night on the 28th, but it’s still pretty hard. The kids have all been so wonderful to me, and I’ve got a few really amazing letters from some of them that I’m sure I’ll keep forever. I gotten really close with a few girls, and it doesn’t make me feel any better about leaving when one girl writes/sings for you a “farewell song” that’s so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. I’m so grateful to have met them, and I’m SO SO glad that tomorrow is not my last time to see them! My memories here have been incredible, and the majority of that is because of the amazing way these kids have let me into their lives. It’s absolutely a privilege to experience life with them.

Bah, I’m done being sad (for now). Instead of worrying about the future, here are some nice things that have happened here in the past week or so!

Patience gives her opening statement during an inter-class debate over whether or not money is the root of all evil.

Patience gives her opening statement during an inter-class debate over whether or not money is the root of all evil.

My little friend Stephanie watches the older students perform the traditional dances to welcome Bay Life

My little friend Stephanie watches the older students perform the traditional dances to welcome Bay Life

All the kids gathered to other day to receive letters from sponsors as well as new dress shoes for school!

All the kids gathered to other day to receive letters from sponsors as well as new dress shoes for school!

Living here is pretty cool.


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