Bobi village!

We all arrived Saturday, as planned, and spent the weekend doing games and bible studies led by the Bay Life team! Sadly, they left on Monday (and hey if any of y’all are reading this – HI!! I hope the journey home was smooth! and btw thanks so much for leaving behind the parachute, the kids are obsessed with playing with it), so now it’s a bit quieter here. 🙂
The transition from village to village was an interesting one, I have to say. It’s a different dynamic here, partly because of the physical layout and partly because of the age range of the kids. Physically, Bobi village is a lot more spread out than Bweyale’s layout. Seriously, after playing with the kids for a couple afternoons, I’m already developing a tan. Whoops. (Mom, I promise I’m wearing sunscreen.) In regards to the age range, this village is made up of the primary school kids, who require a lot more energy when playing and hanging out. This is probably a good thing, since I did a lot of non-laborious work inside for the last month! Overall, the vibe here is different from Bweyale. I guess since Bweyale is kind of the home base, there’s more going on there – more projects, more people, more access to resources, etc. Things are just simpler here, as it’s newer and not as developed yet. But that’s totally cool, being here has been really nice so far (except for almost nonexistent internet connection).
I miss my Bweyale friends SO SO much. I’ll swing by for one day at the very end of my trip, so that’s a good encouragement for me! As hard as it was to leave them, it’s good to know I’ll see them soon. Also, seeing friends I knew from last year who now are in Bobi is really great. 🙂 So far, meeting new kids has been going well (as long as you have a parachute or kites or a ball, you become their favorite person ever). Hopefully, these next couple of weeks will be a really nice ending for this journey, full of new friends and happy memories. My prayers right now is that I find a good rhythm here and can feel at ease to be myself with the kids and staff.
Some cool things have been in the workings even since I’ve arrived! A few days ago, the kids received their sponsors’ letters and dress shoes. Today, we had clothes distribution and the kids wrote letters back to their sponsors. And tomorrow is PTA day, so all of the guardians and parents will come out to meet with teachers and do different things around the campus! So much is happening, and it’s very cool to be a part of all of it!
Internet is pretty sketchy out here, so posts will probably be less often. But that’s okay. I’ve been blessed to have as much connection as I’ve had, so I can deal with a couple of weeks with having a little less than before.
Until next time! (but honestly who knows when that will be)

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